A catch-all mailbox is one that collects all the email messages sent to invalid email addresses. For example, if your email address is info@domain.com, but someone miswrites it and sends an email to inof@domain.com, it will still be received in the catch-all mailbox that you have set up. Just one mailbox per domain name can have this feature enabled and in this way you will never miss messages because the other party has an out-of-date email address or has made a spelling mistake. The disadvantage of setting up a catch-all mailbox is that you may start receiving plenty of unsolicited emails, but this problem can be rectified using an anti-spam filtering solution. It’s also important to know that a mailbox with an enabled catch-all feature cannot forward incoming emails to a 3rd-party email address.
Catch-all Emails in Shared Hosting
You will be able to configure a catch-all email mailbox with ease in case you have a shared hosting account with our company. The Email Manager in our custom-built Hepsia Control Panel is feature-loaded, yet really easy to use, and it will allow you to enable different options, including the catch-all one, with just several mouse clicks. All the email addresses that you’ve set up will be displayed in alphabetical order in this section and next to each one of them you’ll notice a tiny "Catch-all" sign. Clicking on it once will activate this feature, clicking it once again will disable it. As you can have only one such mailbox per domain name, our system will alert you if you’ve already got a different mailbox with this option enabled or if you have enabled email forwarding.
Catch-all Emails in Semi-dedicated Servers
A catch-all address can be set up with a few mouse clicks if you’ve got a semi-dedicated server with our company. The semi-dedicated hosting account will be managed via our in-house created Hepsia hosting Control Panel and you will be able to set up email addresses using any domain hosted there. To enable the catch-all functionality for a particular mailbox, you will have to click the logo with the same name, which will be on the right side of each email address. Deactivating this option can be accomplished in the very same way and will not take more than one click either. In case the catch-all option has already been enabled for a particular domain name, you will receive a warning alert. The same goes if the mailbox that you want to be a catch-all one has email forwarding activated, as our system will never alter or disable anything automatically.