The term "disk space" is sometimes identified as "disk quota" or "data storage", still all these terms mean the very same thing - the volume of info that you are able to upload to a shared hosting account. The total size of everything you have is calculated by accumulating the storage space used by the overall content in the account, the most apparent being the files that you upload. Two other things are generally disregarded by the majority of people, though - e-mails and also databases. Larger attachments and databases of large script-driven websites can sometimes take a lot of disk space as well. To use a more recognizable analogy, the hdd space of your personal computer is used not only by files you download, but additionally by documents you generate along with software programs you add. In a similar way, many things are counted towards the hdd space your content takes on a web site hosting server, not only the uploads.
Disk Space in Shared Hosting
In order to suit the processing effectiveness behind all of our cloud website hosting plans, we've studied and applied the best possible option for the disk space - your hosting account will not be created using one server, but using a cluster system. Therefore, what we have assembled is a large group of servers that is dedicated to the file storing only, so you should never be worried about running out of space and having to move to some additional server because your present one is unable to accommodate more data. Whenever more space is needed, we simply add extra machines to the cluster, so the hard disk space is virtually unlimited. Needless to say, all our shared hosting are designed to be used for web sites, not for a repository of big files. We have different machines for all the databases as well as the e-mails.
Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Servers
With all of our semi-dedicated server plans, the disk storage attribute is unrestricted, so you are able to center on creating your web sites the way you like and not worry about hitting a restriction. Unlike countless hosting suppliers that set up accounts on just a single server, we use a custom-built cloud platform, that allows us to offer you truly unlimited hard disk storage for each and every account. With a single machine, there're only so many hard disks that can be used, not mentioning that the most popular hosting Control Panels are not made to function with numerous servers simultaneously. Our platform, however, makes use of clusters of servers for the site files, emails and databases, and our custom-built Hepsia Control Panel was created to work with it. We'll attach as many servers to each of the clusters as required any time, so the hard disk space is practically limitless.
Disk Space in VPS Servers
For all of our VPS plans, we provide sufficient disk space for all your content that matches all of the other server capabilities, consequently a more expensive package includes a greater quota. You'll be able to use the storage as you can see fit, as there're no specific quotas for your web site files, emails or databases - all of them share the total disk space on the server. Of course, when you would like to have some limitations, you'll be able to get your VPS package with cPanel or DirectAdmin as the hosting Control Panel, and you can create web hosting accounts with a fixed volume of disk storage for every single domain name that you host on your server. In case you require extra storage at some time, you're able to effortlessly boost your package with several mouse-clicks then the additional characteristics will be included with your current account, so you won't need to migrate anything at all and your sites will remain up and running.
Disk Space in Dedicated Servers
Choosing Linux dedicated web hosting plans you'll get all the hdd space that you may need for your web sites, databases, emails and applications. Hundreds of gigabytes of storage will be at your disposal and not shared with anybody else, hence you'll be able to upload all of the data you'll need - website files, personal or company archive backups, and so on. You will have at least 2 hard disk drives that function well in RAID, so that one drive will mirror the other in real time to ensure that your precious info is always backed up. If you prefer, you will be able to use the drives independent of each other and make use of the whole storage space the way you see fit. When needed, you'll be able to get extra disks attached to your server and enjoy even greater disk space. You will have the option to set up hosting accounts with pre-defined disk storage allowances if you obtain the server with cPanel or DirectAdmin for the website hosting Control Panel. With Hepsia, which is the 3rd Control Panel solution on the order page, all the domain names hosted on your server will share the disk storage space and they will be controlled through one account. In either case, our dedicated packages will satisfy all your requirements regardless of the kind of web site you intend to host.