InnoDB is a MySQL database storage engine, which has been gaining in popularity in recent years, because it provides a much better overall performance and an improved database failure recovery in comparison with the default engine that’s used by the MySQL DBMS – MyISAM. InnoDB is endorsed by plenty of web developers that create scalable software apps, due to the fact that it works much better with immense data volumes, while it keeps the server load low. In addition, it locks only a single row in the database in case any info should be modified, whereas many other engines lock the entire database table and hence need much more time to perform several sequential tasks. Last, but not least, InnoDB adheres to the "all-or-nothing" rule – if the entire data modification cannot be completed successfully for whatever reason, the action is rolled back to avoid scrambling or the loss of data. Magento and the newest Joomla releases are two examples of widespread PHP-powered applications which have switched over to InnoDB.
InnoDB in Shared Hosting
While InnoDB is either a paid upgrade or it is not available at all with many website hosting service providers, it is part of the default set of services that we’re offering with our shared hosting plans. If you wish to use a PHP script-based app that needs InnoDB specifically, in order to be installed and to operate correctly, you will not come across any difficulties as the MySQL storage engine is available on our custom cloud platform. No matter if you create a brand-new MySQL database and install an application manually or make use of our 1-click application installer software tool, InnoDB will be selected automatically by our platform as the default engine if the respective application requires InnoDB rather than MyISAM. Besides the amazing database crash recovery that InnoDB offers, we also maintain daily backups of all databases, so that we can quickly restore any database in your shared web hosting account.
InnoDB in Semi-dedicated Servers
All our semi-dedicated servers include InnoDB and you can take full advantage of all the features of this MySQL database storage engine with any open-source script-based web application that needs it. It’s among the engines that we have on our cloud web hosting platform, so the one that will be used depends on the requirements of the respective app. You won’t need to do anything manually to activate InnoDB, since it will be set as the default engine when you install an application – whether manually or using our 1-click application installer tool. To avoid any risk, we will store regular database backups, so if anything goes wrong after some update or if you delete some content accidentally, we’ll be able to get the database back to the way it was on any of the previous 7 days.
InnoDB in VPS Servers
All VPS plans that are ordered with the Hepsia hosting Control Panel come with InnoDB already installed, so you’ll be able to use any PHP script-powered application that needs the database engine without needing to configure anything manually. You can pick Hepsia on the VPS configuration page and your brand new Virtual Private Server will be up and running within 1 hour, so you can log in and start setting up your web sites right away. When you create a new MySQL database and start the app activation process, our system will choose the engine for that database automatically. Thus, you can manage various apps at the same time without the need to change anything on the Virtual Private Server. You can set up a WordPress-driven personal blog that uses the default MySQL engine – MyISAM, and a Magento-powered online shopping portal that uses the InnoDB engine, for example.
InnoDB in Dedicated Servers
All Linux dedicated web hosting plans that are ordered with our in-house built Hepsia hosting Control Panel include a software bundle that is pre-installed and besides everything else, you will get the InnoDB storage engine, so you will not have to activate it manually in case you would like to activate open-source scripts that need it. All it takes to activate such a script is to set up a new database and to start the setup – as soon as the script setup wizard gets access to the database and starts dumping data in it, InnoDB will be set as the default MySQL engine for this database as long as it is the one needed by the particular script. You’ll also be able to activate scripts that need MyISAM, the other very popular MySQL engine, so you will not need to edit any settings on the dedicated server. This will allow you to run different scripts on a single server and to use the latter to its fullest capabilities.