In case you wish to use an SSL Certificate for your website, in order to protect the payment and login data that users post, you'll need a Certificate Signing Request, also known as CSR. The Request contains all the info about the entity which will use the SSL in an encoded form, such as the exact web address for the website, the Business/Organization name, physical and email address. It needs to be sent to a service provider, or Certificate Authority, which reviews the posted details and depending on it, gives the SSL certificate. The SSL installation requires 4 bits of code - the certificate, the CSR, a specific private key that is generated along with the CSR and the SSL vendor private key. A site which has an SSL installed can be accessed with https:// rather than the usual http:// and the info submitted for the CSR will be viewed in standard text format through an Internet browser.
SSL Certificate Generator in Shared Hosting
Since SSL certificates are some of the services that we offer together with our shared hosting packages, you can get an SSL for any website hosted in an account on our end with only a couple of clicks. What is more, we have an auto-installer tool, so as soon as you approve your order via email, our system will set everything up for you and it'll install the certificate, the CSR and the 2 private keys. After that, you will be able to visit your site with https:// and any data submitted on it will be encrypted, therefore no unauthorized people will be able to intercept it. In case you've chosen a different SSL service provider, you can only create a Certificate Signing Request within your account on our end along with the unique private key, then save the CSR code and submit it to the other service provider.
SSL Certificate Generator in Semi-dedicated Servers
The Hepsia website hosting Control Panel which comes with our semi-dedicated server accounts has a built-in SSL certificate request generator, so in case you host a website that you wish to secure, you'll be able to get a new SSL with a few clicks. You will just have to type in the details for your certificate if it's not the same as the one you already have in your account and our system will create the Certificate Signing Request plus the private key associated with it. If you decide to acquire the SSL through us, you just have to select the auto-configuration option throughout the order and our system will do the necessary, so you will not have to install the certificate manually. In the event that you want to get the SSL from a different company, you just need to save the CSR code. Subsequently you'll have to set up the certificate, yet if you've never done this before or you have any troubles, you'll be able to get in touch with us and we'll install the SSL in a few minutes.