Tools and features

Designed for a variety of projects

Our virtual server deals are loaded with all the various features and instruments that you’ll require so as to run your resource–demanding websites and apps from a single place. Each Virtual Private Server pack features a range of Linux OS versions, NVMe storage, admin access and weekly offsite data backups. You will get warranted CPU and memory amounts for a lot faster speeds.

NVMe disk storage

Improve your site’s efficiency with our NVMe–dependent Virtual Private Servers

Each of the Virtual Private Servers delivered by HITECH comes built with NVMes rather than normal HDD drives. Possessing NVMe disks on your VPS could be a great benefit for your online presence. NVMe drives offer far better reading/writing data transfer speeds and also allow for more rapid data file admittance. This generally signifies that everything on your hosting server will get the job done faster, including all your sites and applications.

Linux OS choices

Make a choice between Ubuntu, Debian and CentOS

We will offer you a choice of Linux distributions for your VPS at sign–up. On the order page, you can select in between these Operating System choices – Debian, Ubuntu or CentOS. Just choose the operating system that you like and we will set it up for your business.

A gratis dedicated IP

Get a cost–free dedicated IP address with each VPS

A Virtual Private Server provides you with absolute autonomy online, then to assist you start out instantly, we offer you a dedicated IP address for no cost. As soon as you join, just tell us which Linux OS you want and we’ll put together your machine and give a unique dedicated IP address to you free–of–charge. In case you want additional IP addresses, you have the option to buy them from your Control Panel at a reasonable cost.