A key element of our shared hosting platform is our in–house built Website Control Panel. It is the only Website Control Panel you have to sign in to in order to manage your online presence, which eliminates the dependency on any other panels. You can effortlessly administer your web sites, your domain names and your billing transactions from a single location.

Our Website Control Panel is meant to make it easier for you to administer your website. It is simple to navigate and you can easily navigate from one section to another irrespective of where you’re. All the tools that we’ve created are intuitive and easy to use, so there’s no real learning curve. And we’ve integrated tons of other cost–free tools that can help you with any task – from speeding up and customizing your current web sites to setting up brand new web sites.

Domain Name Manager

A complete set of domain management options

You can now manage multiple domains with ease thanks to our Domain Name Manager. It includes all the domain name administration tools that you need and everything is designed in a user–friendly way. Every functionality is only a mouse click away – from redirecting or parking a domain name to editing your domain’s WHOIS or DNS settings.

And with our Website Control Panel, once you are done with your domains, you can instantaneously start working on your site without having to visit another Website Control Panel.

Domain Name Manager

Email Account Manager

Email management is really easy with us

If you own a site, you have to also administer all the e–mailboxes pertaining to it. And while writing e–mails is very easy, administering the respective mail accounts can be tough. You may have to deal with spam mail messages, to create mail filters, to concern yourself with security issues, etc.

With our Email Account Manager, you will see that managing mailboxes is not hard at all. You’ll get fast access to all important features (you can forward e–mail messages, set up email filters, enable junk email protection, etc.) and you can administer multiple e–mail box accounts at once.

Email Account Manager

File Manager

Administer your website content straight from your Website Control Panel

When you work with files, you need a simple way to handle them. This is especially true when the files you are working with are the ones that comprise your website. This is the reason why we have developed our very own File Manager. With it, you will gain quick access to every feature by using our right–click context menus and our quick access icons.

With our File Manager, you will be also able to pick and edit multiple files, to uncompress compressed archives, to upload and move files from one place to another by simply dragging them into the desired location and much more.

File Manager

Marketing Tools

An RSS News tool, a Sitemap Generator, a GeoIP redirection tool

In our Website Control Panel you’ll find different marketing tools – our Sitemap Generator, our RSS News tool and our GeoIP forwarding tool.

Using them, you’ll be able to quickly get all your pages indexed by the search engines, to append news feeds to your web site without effort and to redirect visitors coming from different geographic locations to different parts of your website.

Marketing Tools

Dropbox backups

Remote Dropbox backups of your web sites

With the HITECH Website Control Panel, you can effortlessly set up an auto–backup of your websites and your MySQL and PgSQL databases in your Dropbox account. This way, you can make sure that, irrespective of what happens with our hosting servers, you will always have the most recent backup at hand.

Our Dropbox backup service is totally automated – all you have to do is connect your Dropbox account and specify exactly how many backups you would like to keep at all times.

Dropbox backups

A Free Of Charge Site Creator

Spend less cash on web design and development

Why spend lots of money on employing a steeply priced designer when you can do everything yourself in precisely the same period of time?

In the Website Control Panel you’ll find a full–featured Free Of Charge Site Creator. It’s easy to use, requires no previous knowledge of HTML, PHP or CSS, offers 100 customizable templates available in different color styles and includes a full–featured WYSIWYG (What–You–See–Is–What–You–Get) editor.

A Free Of Charge Site Creator

Database Manager

Create and back up your databases with a click

Databases are an inseparable part of any application – it’s where all the information is saved. With our Database Manager, you’ll have an easy–to–use tool at hand, which will allow you to administer both your MySQL and PostgreSQL databases with simply several clicks.

We have simplified the database setup process, so you can now set up a brand new database in several seconds. We also offer you a one–click database backup option. And if you install a new web app, we can automatically create the database for you.

Database Manager


Get a security firewall for your apps

In the HITECH Website Control Panel we have included the ModSecurity Apache module. It’s a small module that does a big job – it acts as a firewall for your web applications, guarding them against hack assaults, cross–site scripting assaults and URL forgery assaults. We have already specified the rules for the firewall, so you don’t have to configure it before it starts working.

And ModSecurity is activated automatically for all your websites – as soon as they go live, they will be instantly protected. If you wish, you can manually disable ModSecurity for any of your websites.

  • Help Center
  • Web Marketing Resources

  • We feature a GeoIP re–direction tool, a Sitemap Generation tool, an RSS News Feeds tool and also other Web Marketing Resources, to allow you to advertise your websites more efficiently.

  • Easy to Install
  • Web Site Installer Instrument

  • Utilizing the Website Control Panel, you can build your own site within seconds. Only choose a web template for your web site after which indicate the place you need it to be installed. That’s it. A new internet site will be on the web with a click of the mouse.

  • 24x7 Suport
  • Free Of Charge Site Creator

  • Our web based Free Of Charge Site Creator can help you launch your online profile right now with simple point and click movements. No scripting skills will be required from you. Over 100 website themes to pick from.

  • Service guarantees

  • Each of our bundles is configured for you totally free. 30–day money–back. 99.9% service uptime. 30–min response time.
  • Compare our prices

  • Take a quick look at the quotas and capabilities offered by our hosting bundles. You could begin with a smaller package and upgrade with a click of the mouse when your web presence evolves.
  • Compare our hosting plans
  • Contact Us

  • You’re able to get in contact with us while in business hours over the phone for just about any pre–sale information.