Our Website Installer will assist you to configure your individual or company web site boasting its one–of–a–kind style instantly. Simply choose the kind of web site you desire to launch and then simply opt for your style and design from the abundant array of web templates and just click the installation button. Your website will go on the Internet in an instant. Using the login details that we send you, you will be able to conveniently submit visuals and put your own textual content with merely a a click. If you want help publishing your web site or editing its components, simply just communicate with our technical support staff 24 hours a day by way of your ticket platform.

You will find the Website Installer inside the HITECH Website Control Panel that is included with every single shared hosting, VPS plans, semi-dedicated servers, and Linux dedicated web hosting plans offer on our store.

A Fast Site Installer

Release your new web site with only a click

If you aren’t skilled in site coding, it can be difficult to manage a website setup all on your own – if you don’t take advantage of point & click site generation tools like the speedy Website Installer that is incorporated into the Website Control Panel. To utilize the tool, you just need to decide on a design and style theme for use on your website and then install it with just a click. You don’t have to have virtually any html coding understanding to jumpstart your web site. You can integrate brand new web pages and add text content and pictures with them really efficiently. If you don’t like the change you’ve made it is easy to undo it and repeat the process. It’s all really easy to handle.

Easy-to-use Website Installer

More than 200 Design Templates Available

Launch your web site with simply a click

To assist you to have a new website online immediately, we have created an assortment of web templates from which to choose. Based on the purpose of your web site, you can find an awesome theme for use on your blog site or online gallery or the optimal style for your portfolio. All templates are available for no–cost use within your Website Control Panel. We are working hard to generate completely new site templates in accordance with the most recent style and design tendencies so as to supply you with a better option for your websites.

200+ Free Templates

Get In Touch with Us night and day for Help

HITECH’s customer support experts are available 7 days a week

We’ve been in the hosting marketplace for a long period now and have a crew of professional engineers to help you out with just about any challenge you could face with your site(s). Additionally, you’ll be able to reference the Commonly Asked Questions as well as the great number of step–by–step video lessons that cover the frequently inquired questions and provide answers to the most popular problems. With the one–hour answer–back time guarantee that we trim down to 20 min’s in non–busy hours, you’ll get prompt assistance at any time.

24/7 Support