We have provided a collection of Web Marketing Resources in your Website Control Panel that will help you efficiently promote your sites online. HITECH’s sitemap generation tool will enable you to have a precise sitemap of your website. Additionally, you can easily submit that sitemap to major search engines to scan your site. The RSS News syndication software will let you produce regularly refreshed content material on your front page so you could get better opportunities to rise high in search engine rankings. At the same time, we have designed a GeoIP redirection tool that will permit you to approach your visitors a lot more accurately in line with their geographical area.

A Sitemap Generator

For effective bot crawling

A sitemap is a set of all pages within a website that may be utilized by spiders and users. You can use a sitemap to tell major search engines exactly which web pages of your website you want to be indexed. Also, a sitemap may help your visitors find the way throughout your website. You’d normally work with a third party sitemap application to get a sitemap for your web site. Nevertheless, here, you’ll get a sitemap creator already set up in your HITECH Website Control Panel.

Within the Advanced Instruments section, click Sitemap Generator and after selecting the file format of your sitemap, click on the Crawl button. The sitemap of your website will be generated in minutes and you’ll be ready to submit it to the major search engines.

Sitemap Generator

GeoIP Redirection

Geo location–based redirections with just a click of the mouse

HITECH offers you a simple way to redirect your users according to their whereabouts. From the GeoIP re–direction instrument, you’ll be able to direct all the visitors who arrive from a particular region to a native language variant of your web site. For example, in case you have an Italian version of your website, you can easily direct all the visitors coming from Italy to that web page in contrast to asking them to switch to Italian once they visit the English version. This enables you to supply your clients with an intuitive onsite experience from the start.

It is not necessary for any particular capabilities or tech experience to use the GeoIP re–direction tool. Everything is done with only a click.

GeoIP Redirect

RSS News

Present the latest headlines within your website

What is actually RSS? RSS is a technology for submitting and accumulating website content. It is becoming frequently used by information websites, personal blogs, bulletins, etc. The posted content is quickly gathered from a news aggregator and afterwards made available to the consumer. Utilizing RSS, users can easily pick up announcements from a number of sites and review them in one place.

Using the RSS News Syndication application, you can quickly incorporate information feeds coming from some of the world’s most widely used publication portals and demonstrate them on you web site.

RSS News