To keep a rapidly streaming web site, you must have a clean and well structured back–end code. In the Website Control Panel, you can find a group of tools that can assist you accelerate your site’s efficiency while not having to edit anything with the back–end code. The Web Site Accelerator Tools – Memcached, Varnish and Node.js won’t only help you to offer speedier streaming rates to your visitors and so lessen bounce percentage, but also will push your site higher in the search engine listings.

To work with the Web Site Accelerator Tools, simply just access your Website Control Panel and create an instance for the one you need the most.


RAM–storing in place of data–base queries

The Memcached tool is good for raising web site streaming speeds by caching the data–base info that is required by your website visitors. It’s an amazing distributed memory object caching platform, which allows for information and objects to be cached in the RAM rather than getting querried every time an individual opens a webpage.

This tool is good for your database–powered websites or applications where your visitors dedicate plenty of time exploring as well as reading content. Memcached is located in the advanced instruments section of the Website Control Panel.

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RAM–memorizing rather than HTTP queries

In case you have content–loaded busy websites with many different photographs and videos, you’ll definitely need to make sure that your web pages run very quickly for your website visitors. An effective instrument you need to use is the Varnish HTTP acceleration solution that will assist you to quicken up your sites without needing you to have any particular tech expertise.

Varnish saves all calls to the web server in the server RAM and delivers the web pages instantly to the customer by making unnecessary new queries for the server. This way, all web pages on your web site are going to be loaded 300 – 1000x times more speedily for your website visitors. Additionally, you can pick whether the incoming requests will be managed by Varnish, or by the web server, and so forth.

Hepsia File Manager


Make scalable apps without any problem

Node.js comes with an innovative coding system for establishing adaptable web applications and sites in a record breaking speed. It may be employed for just about anything – from controlling API calls, streaming data in addition to parsing emails to transforming photographs, audio files, online videos and office docs.

It’s powered by the Google V8 JavaScript engine and additionally uses an event–based, non–blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and effective. Moreover, Node.js provides a significant supportive community that creates regular enhancements for the system and is constantly all set to assist.

Hepsia File Manager